Public Test Build 2

I'd like to apologize for not following up with fixing the game sooner.
(Or at least attempting to fix the game. Please comment if it still does not work!)

My personal life, and my motivation, blah blah... I didn't feel like fixing the fact that the game just simply does not run.

However, I've just released Public Test Build 2!
Please try it out and let me know if it works.

No changelog, as it is the exact same as Public Test Build 1.
(View the original changelog for Public Test Build 1 here)

Thanks for reading! Have a good day!


Public Test Build 2 179 kB
Nov 12, 2023

Get FNaF for Windows 3.1


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I'd like to thank this comment on the game's page (and the only comment on this game, for that matter)

as without this comment, I wouldn't have known that the game failed to run. Thank you!